Module 6 Special Senses
Slide Show #1 The Eye and Vision
This slide show covers:
- Special Senses
- The eye
- Accessory structures of the eye
- Extrinsic eye muscles
- Common clinical eye issues
- Structure of the eyeball (3 tunics)
- Fibrous layer of eyeball
- Vascular layer of the eyeball
- Inner layer of the eyeball (retina)
- Internal chambers of the eyeball
- Light & optics
- The visual pathway
Slide Show #2 Smell & Taste
This slide show covers:
- Chemical senses: Smell & Taste
- Location and structure of olfactory receptors
- Olfactory epithelium
- Location & structure of olfactory receptors
- Physiology of smell
- Olfactory (smell) pathway
- Olfactory nerve (CN1)
- The olfactory bulb
- Physiology of taste
- Basic taste sensations
- Types of papillae
- Taste buds
- Nerves in the gustatory pathway
Slide Show #3 The Ear, Hearing & Equilibrium
This slide show covers:
- The Ear: Hearing and Balance
- Major areas of the ear (external, middle, internal)
- Pinna (Auricle)
- External acoustic meatus
- Tympanic membrane
- Middle Ear (Tympanic Cavity)
- Pharyngotympanic Tube (Eustachian Tube)
- Ossicles (Malleus, Incus, Stapes)
- Inner Ear
- Labyrinth (bony & membranous)
- Vestibule
- Semicircular Canals
- Cochlea
- Anatomy of our hearing
- Auditory Pathway Steps
- Properties of sound
- Maculae
- Crista ampullares
- Homeostatic imbalances of hearing