Module 5 Nervous System & Nervous Tissue
Slide Show #1 Fundamentals of the Nervous System & Nervous Tissue
This slide show covers:
- Functions of Nervous System
- Response to stimuli
- Divisions of the Nervous System (CNS/PNS)
- Divisions of the PNS (Afferent/Efferent)
- Efferent Division of the Nervous System (Somatic/Autonomic)
- Autonomic Nervous System (Sympathetic/Parasympathetic)
- Afferent Division of the Nervous System
- Nerves (wrappings, classification)
- Types of cells in nervous tissue (conducting and non-conducting)
- Neuroglial cells in the CNS (astrocytes, microglial cells, ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes)
- Neuroglial cells in the PNS (Schwann cells, satellite cells)
- Neurons (processes, structures, myelin)
- Classification of neurons by structure (multipolar, bipolar, unipolar)
- Classification of neurons by function (sensory, interneuron, motor)
Slide Show #2 Conduction of the Impulse (Action Potential)
This slide show covers:
- Resting membrane potential
- Voltage gated channels
- Behavior of voltage gated channels in action potential
- What is an action potential?
- Which way to ions move during action potentials?
- All or none principle
- Refractory period
- Steps in the transmission of a nerve impulse (action potential)
- Myelinated vs. unmyelinated impulse conduction
- Saltatory conduction
Slide Show #3 The Synapse
This slide show covers:
- Basics of a synapse
- Parts of a synapse (presynaptic & postsynaptic neurons, synaptic cleft)
- Electrical and chemical communication
- Synaptic transmission
- Neurotransmitters
- What causes the release of neurotransmitters at a synapse?
- Actions at the synapse
- Disorders associated with neurotransmitter imbalances
- Opiates in the human body
Slide Show #4 The Spinal Cord and Reflex Arc
This slide show covers:
- Description of the spinal cord
- Grey matter vs. white matter
- Characteristics of the spinal cord
- Protection for the spinal cord
- Meninges (pia, arachnoid, & dura mater)
- Spinal tap
- Spinal cord injuries & effects
- Reflexes & the reflex arc
Slide Show #5 The Brain
This slide show covers:
- Brain anatomy (hemispheres, lobes, sulci, cerebral cortex)
- Major regions of the brain (brain stem, diencephalon, cerebrum, cerebellum)
- Brain stem (location, function, areas)
- Diencephalon (location, function, areas)
- Cerebrum (location, function, areas)
- Cerebellum (location, function, areas)
- Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)